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Community Contributions Program - Sponsorship

Lee Health is a community-focused nonprofit health system with the primary mission of providing patient care. Lee Health is dedicated to giving back to its local community through the Office of Community Affairs. Our goal is to contribute in support of health resources, particularly for our most vulnerable populations. Lee Health partners with others to ensure that:

  1. Our community investments align with our mission to be a trusted partner, empowering healthier lives through care and compassion.
  2. Our community is healthy and vibrant; we partner to improve health equity and access.
  3. Our community is an environment that attracts and sustains a diverse Lee Health workforce to provide the best patient care for our residents and guests.

If there are other ways Lee Health can be of support to an organization, especially through employee volunteerism, please let us know at [email protected].

Program Information

Lee Health considers requests from registered 501(c)(3) organizations in Southwest Florida for sponsorship of new and ongoing programs, education and/or awareness or other community outreach activities that support the stated goals. These may include:

  1. Community health & human services
  2. Education and workforce development
  3. Statement of community need

Each request will be considered for particular alignment with any of the following health priorities as identified by our most recent Community Health Needs Assessment:

  • Access to Healthcare Services
  • Cardiovascular & Respiratory Diseases
  • Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder
  • Nutrition, Physical Activity & Weight

Organizations may request funding no more than once per calendar year. Lee Health support is a nonrecurring, one-time commitment.


Are you eligible to apply for Lee Health Community Support? Yes, if:

  • You are a Southwest Florida community-based organization with a 501(c)(3) federal designation or an organization that is being provided fiscal agent oversight by an established community-based organization with such designations, a school or government agency.
  • The program for which you seek funding fits within the health priority needs listed above.
  • Services/support offered is available to residents of Lee County; Pediatric, Trauma Center or Injury Prevention Services must be available to the residents of greater Southwest Florida, specifically the five-county region: Charlotte, Hendry, Glades, Collier and Lee.
  • Funded organizations submit an Outcome Status Report describing progress toward project goals and outcomes achieved. Submissions are due within 90 days of event.

Lee Health’s Community Contribution Program does not provide funding for:

  • Endowments
  • Financing for the sole purpose of organizational debt relief
  • Religious or political activities
  • Programs and projects that limit participation for reasons of race, sex, age, religion, national origin, color, creed, etc.
  • Programs or projects benefiting a specific individual


Priority is given to efforts that demonstrate one or more of the following:

  • Address significant and emergent needs within our community as referenced in the Community Health Needs Assessment.
  • Improve the health and wellness of the individuals and communities we serve.
  • Enable long-term community capacity building and sustainability.
  • Demonstrate partnership building and collaboration.

Application Process

Please submit your request using the digital application platform. If any required documents or attachments are missing, your application will not be considered.

Required documents:

  • Annual Report
  • The most current form 990
  • List of key staff members and current Board of Directors
  • Lists of programs and/or fundraisers for the current year
  • Sponsorship/Donation request packet

We will contact you within two weeks to acknowledge receiving your request. A Community Affairs team member will be assigned to your request and may contact you with specific questions or to request additional information.

We may also ask for you to visit our Community Affairs team to present and discuss your request.

Late submissions will not be accepted.

Apply Here