Lee Health Financials
Rapid and dramatic change continues to occur in health care. Hospitals and health systems across the country are facing many challenges including:
- Growing and aging population
- Physician shortages
- Labor shortages
- Financial pressures
- Consumer expectations
Here at home, Lee Health has had to face all of these issues, and we have faced them head-on. In doing so, we have changed how we must do business now and into the future.
Lee Health has developed a strategic plan with initiatives to support the redesigning of health care services to optimize quality, access and financial outcomes.
Lee Health is a fiscally sound business that is responsive to the community's health needs. Why should we, a community-focused nonprofit organization, be concerned about profits at the end of each fiscal year?
Because without financial strength, we cannot fulfill our mission to give you the high quality health care you want and deserve.
The positive operating margin is reinvested into Lee Health for the benefit of the community. The only way we can replace and upgrade property, facilities and equipment, build new facilities and attract and retain skilled professionals is by generating positive operating margins.