Transforming Healthcare: Lee Health's Innovation Journey
At Lee Health, we are dedicated to driving innovation as the driving force behind progress in healthcare. As our world continually evolves, so does the healthcare industry, and we are committed to being at the forefront of positive change.
Welcome to the Innovation Program Office (IPO) at Lee Health, where innovation isn't just a concept; it's our way of shaping the future of health for our community. We're on a mission to transform the way care is delivered, and ensure that wellness is accessible for everyone.
Here at the IPO, we're not just dreamers; we're doers. Our team orchestrates intentional innovation processes, rooted in human-centered design, to nurture and bring to life groundbreaking big ideas. But we don't do it alone. We collaborate closely with patients, dedicated care team members, strategic partners, and community members. Together, we guide the reimagining of how healthcare is delivered.
Leading the Way: Lee Health's Role in Healthcare Innovation
In lockstep with Lee Health's competitive strategy and growth targets, the IPO invests in exploring and developing emerging market solutions and fostering strategic partnerships. We're dedicated to cultivating an innovation culture across our health system because we believe that every idea has the potential to make a meaningful impact on the lives of our patients and our community.
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of change and improvement. Together, we can make healthcare better, more accessible, and more patient-centered than ever before. Discover how innovation is not just a buzzword here; it's our commitment to a healthier, brighter future.
Immersive Innovative Experience
This immersive experience is an example of how the IPO creates dynamic environments to stimulate organizational creativity.
We make progress in the Rapids, you know, the calm water is nice and I think so much of medicine has been in the calm water. You know, it's great, you show up, you have your office where patients come to you and you get to drop a charge and it's very safe and comfortable but covid through some Rapids in the last couple years and we thank God have been forced to change. We it's catapulted us into think about how can we reach consumers differently and how can we reach them better?
Well, one of the things that we're doing is part of our Innovation program That was really important to us, is to Define what it means to us. I think starting with that. And in our case, it's creating new value for the people that we serve for our own team members, and getting people energized about creating Big Ideas and collaborating to bring them to those that matter to us, most our employees and our community of patients. What it's going to look like is to have a culture of innovation where you're thinking about it. Is your processing. The, how could this be better? What's a better solution, any problem that your basking in is our problem.
We're all in this together and we all have the capacity to innovate for solutions for the first launch of our Innovation program, really focusing on access because we know there's so much demand for care and we can't possibly deliver on that need and meet that demand without making some changes in the solutions that we offer. So we have some really exciting ideas on how we can. Can deliver greater care outside of our facilities. Welcome to our event? So the immersive Innovation experience is all about unveiling that idea and it's helped pass Health passes, really a membership into our system, to be able to get care that's personalized for you. Wherever you are.
I've said, you know many times that we can change Healthcare and many times that we can change Healthcare and design a delivery model that will that will be the model for the rest of the country. Because we've got issue. The position here in Lee County, you know, we control the health care delivery system. That's why we put clinics out and Dunbar. We take care of everybody. So we can design things and do things that are completely different and we can be the model. We could create a whole new way of healthcare delivery just in a completely different way than we've ever done before and really make a difference and have it, add value to know the people we serve. think it's really exciting. I think for a long time after we've always made a lot of excuses about why we can't. And this kind of opened us up to the possibility of what can be and what we're capable of actually doing. When we kind of, just think outside the box. the minds in this organization or incredible, The Innovation. That's the potential for Innovation. This organization is unbelievable. As long as we can get out of our grind, right? And have and have a situation like this, where we can start thinking outside the norm of what we see. So, again, thank you all for being here.
Driving Innovation at Lee Health
Healthcare stayed the same for years. “If you want healthcare, you go to a specific location, at a specific time that we tell you when to go, and that’s just how the industry’s been for a while. Now we’re challenging that and thinking through things from the consumers perspective,” said Rasmussen.
Kristen Rasmussen is Lee Health’s senior innovation catalyst. She said one of the few good things that came out of the pandemic was that it forced change. “Continuing that spirit and also recognizing how many challenges healthcare has and how we have to think outside the box. I think it made it from a strategic perspective something we have to do.”
One of her roles is to focus on culture within the health system. “A lot of the things we do are processes. And we like to follow rules. We have lots of regulations that direct what we can do so innovations about creativity and having these wild crazy ideas and then drilling down on them and so that’s where I am building that type of a spirit, and embracing that type of approach to problem solving,” said Rasmussen.
She’s also able to use her background as an emergency medicine nurse to help translate different ideas. “Sometimes there are solutions that come out that are different and challenging and I try to be the in between person that helps make that bridge between the technical side of things and the clinical side,” said Rasmussen.
She said this kind of thinking benefits everyone, especially patients “It’s designing things with them at the center and not from the sideline.” The department also focuses on embracing technology and strategic partnerships. You can learn more by searching for innovation on For LH im DT.