With site work underway, Lee Health is excited about the innovative, state-of-the-art facility we’re building off Colonial and Challenger Boulevards.
Set to open in 2028, Lee Health Fort Myers will feature a hospital with operating rooms, emergency department beds, a pharmacy, a lab and other essential services. There also will be a connected medical office building with an ambulatory surgery center and services for complex care, infectious diseases and more. The medical office building will have a dedicated space for the Lee Health Musculoskeletal Institute, which brings together various specialties that treat conditions affecting the muscles, bones, joints, and nerves of the spine and limbs.
Lee Health Fort Myers will be a new destination for leading-edge, comprehensive, compassionate care. The innovations incorporated into the design and function of the campus will bring healthcare of the future to our community. The location is prime, and the plans are state-of-the-art, so we want a street name that reflects the mission and brand of Lee Health. We have asked the City of Fort Myers for permission to rename the street, and we want your help!
Help us rename Challenger Blvd
Your involvement in the process is important to us, so we are inviting you, our neighbors and friends in our community, to submit nominations for the renaming of the street. We are confident that your contributions will help shape a meaningful legacy.
We have created an online form, which you can find at www.tinyurl.com/LHNamingContest, for you to use to submit your ideas. When you check out this form, you’ll find a few sample nominations with justifications for the name ideas. We hope that you will join the fun and challenge of renaming a street that will serve as the address for our new Lee Health Fort Myers. Please submit your ideas by Monday, Nov. 25.
The City of Fort Myers and Lee Health leadership will review the ideas submitted and create a list of the top suggestions. From there, we will post the list of names on our website and social media channels and invite our community to rank the entries to help determine the new name of the street.
We are very proud and excited to see Lee Health Fort Myers continue to take shape, and we are very interested to see all the creative street name ideas we receive.