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Lee Health and Lee County Vote to Approve Mission Agreement, Allowing for Conversion of the Health System to a Community-Focused Nonprofit

Press Releases


After more than a year of due diligence, the final vote marks the conclusion of a three-phase process shaping the future of Southwest Florida’s preeminent healthcare provider.

More than a year ago, the Lee Health Board of Directors began evaluating a future for the health system to safeguard its long-term strength, ensure local control and protect its safety-net mission—offering high-quality healthcare to everyone in the community, regardless of their ability to pay. This afternoon a vote by the Lee County Board of County Commissioners approving the Mission Agreement, following the October 7, 2024 vote by the Lee Health Board of Directors approving the same, marked the final step in the approval process. The votes allow for the conversion of the health system from a public/special district of government to a community-focused nonprofit and clearing the path for Lee Health to finalize the conversion through the complete transfer of assets and liabilities of Lee Health to the successor community-focused nonprofit entity, Lee Health System, Inc. 

Changes to Lee Health’s Enabling Act in 2023 allowed the Board of Directors to evaluate if conversion to a community-focused nonprofit was in the best interest of the residents of Lee County. Following the course prescribed by the legislation, the Board of Directors commissioned an independent study, engaged expert, third-party counsel, collaborated with federal, state and local governments and held multiple Board work sessions, community town halls and public workshop meetings. 

“We appreciate the important work done by the Lee County Board of County Commissioners in developing and approving the Mission Agreement,” Lee Health Board Chairperson Donna Clarke said. “With broad community engagement, Lee Health is now poised to complete the process of becoming a community-focused nonprofit. Providing quality healthcare to everyone in our community is our fundamental responsibility and we are committed to carrying that mission forward.”

Leaders at Lee Health remain steadfast in their commitment to maintaining Lee Health’s safety-net mission, and a Mission Agreement between the Lee Health Board of Directors and the Lee County Board of County Commissioners creates a legally binding document to ensure the residents of Lee County benefit from those services in perpetuity. 

“Patients can expect the very same level of reliable, quality healthcare they have come to expect from Lee Health today, tomorrow, next month, and next year,” Dr. Larry Antonucci, President & CEO of Lee Health said. “This change gives us the opportunity to provide additional access to care, bring in new clinical and business opportunities for providers, and expand healthcare options for our community. Converting to a community-focused nonprofit is not just about governance; it’s about ensuring a sustainable, high-quality healthcare system that serves the diverse needs of the community now and in the future.”

The publicly-elected Lee Health Special District Board of Directors currently serving will have the option of remaining in their seats for the new nonprofit entity, Lee Health System, Inc., which will become effective on Nov. 1, 2024. The health system will continue to operate under the Lee Health brand. 

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