Request an Estimate
Want an estimate? Let us know.
We make every effort to ensure estimates are accurate and include all anticipated charges.
The estimate will include the average cost of the procedure; the amount your insurance provider, Medicare or Medicaid is likely to pay; and the estimated amount you will be expected to pay.
The hospital estimate does not include professional fees for any service provided by Lee Health System, Inc. employed practitioners and any independent contractor who provides services (for example, private practicing physician, and anesthesiology, radiology, pathology or laboratory services). To receive an estimate from these providers please contact the individual health care practitioner directly.
Please keep in mind this is only an estimate and could vary depending on your overall health and whether additional charges are incurred based on your unique medical needs. If you have questions regarding your health plan cost sharing responsibilities please contact your plan directly.
For price estimate assistance please call (239) 424-1333 or email [email protected].
Or requests in writing can be submitted to:
Lee Health
Patient Business Services Financial Counselor
P.O. Box 2218
Fort Myers, FL 33902
Below is a link to the State of Florida consumer pricing website, where you’ll find data on health care costs for national, state, and local prices.
Please note the following: The service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by the patient for anticipated services and that actual costs will be based on services actually provided to the patient.