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Business Structure Evaluation Process Updates

We're currently conducting an evaluation of Lee Health's business structure. Explore all available documents and dive deeper into the process by learning more here. 

Amount Generally Billed (AGB) Calculation

Lee Health uses the “look-back” method to calculate the 'amount generally billed’ (AGB) as required by federal law. The AGB is the maximum amount we will collect from a patient who is eligible for financial assistance under our Financial Assistance policy. The AGB percentage is based on all claims allowed by Medicare and private health insurers over a 12-month period, divided by the associated gross charges for those claims.

For the period OCT 1 2022 TO SEPT 30, 2023, Lee Health billed $10,149,440,816 in gross charges to Medicare, Medicaid and to private health insurers, of which $2,185,840,048 in claims were allowed. This makes the AGB 21.08%.

Calculation: $2,185,840,048 divided by $10,149,440,816 equals 21.08%

If you have questions or prefer to talk to us over the phone or in person, click here to request a callback or appointment. We have specialists at all hospital locations.

  • Amount Generally Billed (AGB) Calculation