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Swimming Saves Lives and Other Things You Need To Know About Water Safety

Children's Health
Author name: Child Advocacy


We are living in unique times.

For many of us our homes have become our office space and our children’s classrooms. Insecurity hides like a ghost around the corners—
life as we had foreseen it suddenly became a blank portrait hanging on the wall.

Responsibilities have grown by the hundreds in no time. That means that accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. 

Florida, surrounded by water, greets its residents and visitors with a warm splash all year-round. Pools, beaches, rivers and canals become flooded with people eager to enjoy the nice weather.

Even in this time of social distancing, people are still eager to spend some time together in the much-missed outdoors. That’s why we need to remind everyone about water safety.

Quick Tips and Tidbits 

Children are most vulnerable to drowning, especially those between 1 and 4 years old. Did you know that teaching them how to swim will reduce their chances of drowning up to 88? Swimming saves lives!

Remember that adult supervision is a must and nothing supersedes that. Here are some other important things to remember:

  • A designated water watcher is always a good idea.
  • U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets should always be worn by non-proficient swimmers.
  • Pool owners and visitors need to make sure there are multiple layers of protection in place to help protect our little ones. That means fences, doors and/or water alarms, self-closing/latching gates must be in place to help ensure the safety of everyone in the pool area.
  • Be aware that CPR increases the chances of survival. Learn CPR and encourage others to do so as well. 

Remember, we are going to get through this! Let’s take advantage of the “new normal” and teach our kids about water safety.

Learn more about safety on our Child Advocacy page.

For more information about our programs, call 239-343-5890.

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