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Cape Coral Hospital Birth Unit Offers Unique Welcome for Moms and Babies

Health Hub
Author name: Lee Health


Kissing baby

The sign on the door tells the story in three words: Miracle in Progress.

On any given day in the Mom & Baby unit at Cape Coral Hospital as many as a dozen doors make the same announcement. A mom in the room is giving birth to the next citizen of the world.

“When they come into the room they get soft music and a nice room,” Nancy Travis said. “It’s not as stressful for them.”

Travis, nursing director of obstetrics at Lee Health, helped design the birthing rooms that include comfortable furniture and a tub deep enough for an expectant mom to submerge her entire stomach.

Birth balls to sit on, nitrous oxide, battery-operated tea lights and essential oils are all tools the staff use to help a mother ease into the birth process.

During the pandemic, expectant mothers may have two visitors present. This can include a doula if the parents have enlisted the services of someone outside of the hospital. Before and after a pandemic, expectant parents many have other family members in the room.

Helping the Family Bond

About 1,500 babies are born at Cape Coral Hospital each year. Each mom receives the same superior service, and babies who do not have complications stay in the same room as their mother.

“All testing is done in the room,” Travis said. “We want to help the family bond.”

Danielle and Devin LeBlanc recently had their daughter, Demi, at Cape Coral Hospital. They chose the hospital, in part, because Devin’s brother and his wife had their children there.

“It’s nice and homey,” Devin LeBlanc said.

The LeBlancs spent the day before their delivery watching television in a spacious room that included an outside view.

A stroll down the hall leads to the family kitchen, which has small snacks and coffee. Along the way overhead signs offer encouragement: “Scatter Kindness” and “Be the Reason Someone Smiles” are among the uplifting phrases that laboring women see as they walk the halls, hoping to encourage their baby to arrive.

Everything on the floor is designed with family and comfort in mind.

The Breast Milk Depot accepts donations from mothers throughout Southwest Florida and is available on the unit, as well as HealthPark Medical Center. A large banner, “Breastfeed with Pride” stretched across the front desk during the month of August to encourage mothers.

“We always encourage breastfeeding when possible,” Nancy said.

Each time a baby is born the delivery room staff start a chain of calls that results in the strains of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” on the overhead announcement system, and mothers leave with supplies for their newborn.

Certified nursing assistant Danielle Luksch is proud to be part of the team. “I have the best job,” she said. “This is an exciting place to be.”

ancy Travis, nursing director of obstetrics at Lee Health, stands in one of the birthing suites at Cape Coral Hospital.

Nancy Travis, nursing director of obstetrics at Lee Health, stands in one of the birthing suites at Cape Coral Hospital.

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