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Don't Forget Your Health This Storm Season

Health Hub
Author name: Lee Health


Hurricane season graphic

Into each life, some rain must fall. We should be so lucky to only get “some rain” during Southwest Florida’s hurricane season, which runs from June 1 through November 30. Hardly.

Batten the hatches and stock the batteries. Again. For a record seventh straight year, federal weather officials are predicting above-average hurricane activity. Fourteen to 21 named storms are possible, with six to 10 becoming hurricanes and three to six becoming hurricanes with winds exceeding 110 mph.

As always, hurricane preparedness is key to maximizing your family’s safety. In addition to stocking up on nonperishable foods, bottled water and batteries, Lee Health reminds you to prepare for your health and medical needs, too.

Add health and medical needs to your preparedness checklist

If there is a storm approaching, be sure you have refills of your prescription medications and other essential medical supplies, like oxygen. Florida law allows pharmacies to fill prescriptions in advance during hurricane warnings.

Think ahead, too, about preserving refrigerated drugs, like insulin, in case the power goes out – be sure you have enough ice to keep them cool for several days. If you have questions about your drug’s safety following a storm and power outage, you can reach out to poison control for assistance.

If you have medical equipment, write down the details, including the size, manufacturer, and company and account numbers. Stock up on batteries, especially if you require batteries that need to be ordered. Consider your need for medical supplies, like catheters and dressings, as well as dietary restrictions, so you can be sure you have appropriate stock of supplies and options available.

One of the most important things to do to prepare for hurricane season is determining if you or your loved ones need access to a special care shelter.

Lee Health hospitals and facilities are not hurricane shelters. If you or a loved one requires assistance that exceeds services provided at a general population shelter, you must preregister with Lee County Emergency Management. Visit, click on “Advanced Planning” and then “Special Needs” for more information and the link to the application.

More vital tips to keep you and your family safe

  • If you choose to stay home and use a generator, be sure you know how to properly use it – generators are one of the leading causes of injury and death following a storm.
  • Heat-related illnesses are another common medical issue after a storm. Make sure you stay hydrated, and, if you are working outside, wear a hat and light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Watch for storm surges and flooding. Swiftly moving shallow water can pose a drowning risk for everyone, regardless of their swimming ability. Even shallow standing water can be dangerous for small children.
  • Stay informed. Stay current on the latest storm news and alert services for your area with the Lee County Prepares app. LeePrepares encourages situational awareness when a disaster impacts Lee County. You can find information on: Find My Evacuation Zone and Active Evacuations, shelter information, register for alerts, preparedness tools (including ASL videos), local eather, and social media feeds.
    • Apple device users, click here.
    • Android device users, click here.
  • Register with AlertLee to receive time-sensitive informational alerts via cell phone by voice or text, email addresses, home phone, business phone and more.

Lee Health Healthy Life Centers presents WINK News Chief Meteorologist, Matt Devitt

Join broadcast meteorologist Matt Devitt, who will discuss the current forecast and what to do before, during, and after any storm.

When: Thursday, June 9, 10-11 a.m.

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