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Steps for the Storm

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Author name: Lee Health


Remember, it only Takes One: Prepare for the next Hurricane Season

UPDATE: This blog post orginally ran in 2019 as Dorian swirled nearby and the stress of hurricane season became a reality once again. However, these safety preparations work for all oncoming hurricanes. 

Here are some important things to consider:

  • Check your first aid kit and restock if necessary; include sunscreen and insect repellent.
  • Be sure you have refills of your prescriptions. Florida law allows pharmacies to fill prescriptions in advance during hurricane warnings.
  • Think ahead about preserving refrigerated drugs, like insulin, in case the power goes out. In an emergency, you can reach out to the Red Cross or poison control for assistance in determining the safety of a drug.
  • Know the details of your medical equipment, including the size, manufacturer, and company and account numbers.
  • Stock up on batteries, especially if you require batteries that need to be special ordered.
  • Consider medical supplies, including catheters and dressings, as well as dietary restrictions, and be sure you have appropriate supplies and options available.
  • Build or restock your disaster supplies kit, including food, water, flashlights, batteries, chargers, cash and first aid supplies.
  • Scan important documents, such as medication logs, insurance papers, etc., and store them on a flash drive in a safety deposit box. Lee Health uses Epic, so our patients have one seamless, electronic health record across the system.

Determining whether you or your loved ones need access to a special needs shelter is one of the most important things to do to prepare for hurricane season. Lee Health hospitals and facilities are not hurricane shelters. If you or your loved one requires assistance that exceeds services provided at a general population shelter, you must preregister with Lee County Emergency Management.

Visit Lee County's website for more information on special needs shelter, as well as the locations of public shelters.

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