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Business Structure Evaluation Process Updates

We're currently conducting an evaluation of Lee Health's business structure. Explore all available documents and dive deeper into the process by learning more here. 

Relapse Prevention

Relapse Prevention Therapy

Relapse Prevention Therapy a type of therapy that aids in the identification of high risk situations, teaches cognitive and coping skill strategies in an effort to prevent future relapses during certain situations and emotions.  

Relapse prevention helps decrease relapses in recovery by teaching patients to anticipate situations and emotions that may trigger addictive behavior. It provides education on the main emotions that can trigger a relapse these emotions may include:  



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How to recognize these emotions and manage them successfully is important in order to avoid addictive behaviors. This treatment also helps patients identify environmental situations that can be triggering for a person who struggles with addiction and plans for dealing with these situations.

At Lee Health, this treatment identifies environmental situations that can be triggers for people with addictions. Our team will assist you in developing and implementing a healthy extended support system that can is essential in the prevention of a relapse.

Harm Reduction 

Harm reduction is a treatment approach utilized when abstinence is not easily achieved. Our trained therapist and skilled staff at Lee Health work from both an abstinence based and harm reduction model.

Our commitment at Lee Health, is to reduce the harm caused by the substance use and substance use related behavior. The harm reduction model is demonstrated in our supportive approach to addiction treatment that is free from judgement and increases the likely hood for a successful treatment outcome.