Cardiology: Support & Resources
Lee Health: Heart Experts Caring For Patients & Our Community Outside the Office
Lee Health is dedicated to providing you and your family with a positive experience. Education is an important part of learning how to live a long healthy life with heart disease. We want you to understand your condition and treatment, and get all of your questions answered. The following resources will provide you and your family with the information you need while you are in the hospital and when you return home.
Mended Hearts Support Group
Mended Hearts is a volunteer organization consisting of people who have heart disease, their spouses, family members, medical professionals and other interested individuals.
They visit patients before and after surgery, cardiac catheterization and angioplasty. The group meet monthly at HealthPark to have open discussions with guest speakers and offers support to those with similar experiences.
Members receive HEARTBEAT, the national quarterly journal and an insignia pin. Everyone will receive a newsletter for three months even if they don't join the organization.
There are millions of people who have had cardiac events — from procedures such as angioplasty to surgery, including valve repairs and even transplants — and the number increases each year by nearly half of a million.
For more information please contact Lex Roulston at 239-432-0985 or visit the National Mended Hearts website:
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Support Group
This is a communitywide support group for patients with ICDs, their families and caregivers. The purpose of an ICD is to continuously monitor the patient's rhythm, diagnose rhythm changes, and treat life-threatening ventricular dyrhythmias.
Meetings take place approximately five times a year and are designed to meet the educational needs of patients with ICDs.
The goal of this support group is to assist the individual and their families to deal with the psychosocial issues regarding living with an ICD. Participants share their concerns and reinforce their knowledge during informal group meetings.
Speakers discuss topics of interest and encourage open discussions identifying real-life situations and how to cope with them effectively.
There is no charge for participation in the ICD support group. The not-for-profit support system is funded entirely by device manufacturers, generous donors, and Lee Health.
For more information, please call Joyce or Valerie at 239-343-0169
Other Resources For Patients and Families
Spiritual Services promote holistic care for body, mind, and spirit by addressing the spiritual and emotional needs of patients, families, employees, volunteers and faith communities through the collaborative efforts of our staff, including chaplains, parish nurses, ethics counselors, bereavement coordinator and our Critical Incident Stress Response (CISR) team. For more information about spiritual serves, please call 239-343-5199.
Language assistance: We recognize that communication between our hospital team and patients is vital to providing compassionate health care. If you need language assistance, please let your nurse know. For more information about language assistance, contact our language assistance coordinator at 239-424-3806.
Art therapy utilizes art media and creativity to help patients in their healing and recovery. Art therapy can help patients decrease anxiety, manage stress, and deal with emotional issues. For more information about art therapy, please call the Arts in health care at 239-343-5055.