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Getting Ready for Heart Surgery: Smoking
We're so glad that you choose Shipley Cardiothoracic Center for your surgery. The Shipley team would like to help you be well prepared for your upcoming surgery. The most critical thing you could do that will influence your surgical outcome is to quit smoking. It's critical that you do this as soon as you know you're going to have surgery. Your heart and lungs will thank you. We know that patients who give their lungs a chance to clear the poisonous effects of smoking have better surgical outcomes. Patients who continue to smoke are at a higher risk for blood clots, surgical wound infection, heart attacks, and prolonged times on a ventilator. We know quitting isn't easy, but ask your team at Shipley for a referral to a smoking cessation program. In the meantime, here are a few helpful hints: When you are craving a cigarette go for a walk, get outside and breathe fresh air. Write a card or letter to someone you care about or write in a journal the reasons you want to quit. Meditation and soothing music can also help. A nicotine patch can help with withdrawal symptoms, ask your surgeon if this is an option for you. The Shipley team wants to help you be successful, in your plan to quit smoking, as we know there are very clear benefits to your surgical outcomes if you quit before surgery. At Shipley Cardiothoracic Center were dedicated to providing you with a personalized surgical journey. Please don't hesitate to call if you have questions. 239-343-6341