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Business Structure Evaluation Process Updates

We're currently conducting an evaluation of Lee Health's business structure. Explore all available documents and dive deeper into the process by learning more here. 

You're Expecting Guide!

Welcome to Our Family

At Lee Health, we understand that mothers and their babies need extra special care and attention. That is where our talented Obstetric and Pediatric departments come in. This is a momentous time in your life, and we honor that. From the first days of your pregnancy until you are ready to take your bundle—or bundles—of joy home, our highly skilled team will make sure that you receive the best possible care.

Our obstetricians, midwives, pediatricians, pediatric nurse practitioners, nurses, lactation consultants and technicians will ensure that you are comfortable and well informed throughout every step of your pregnancy, your labor and delivery, as well as any care that you receive afterward.

Childbearing is a family event. With our familycentered approach to care, you and your loved ones can start caring for your baby right away with the guidance of our skilled team. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions! It is our pleasure to make sure that you know what is going to happen and why it is necessary for the health and well-being of you and your baby.

What You Need to Know About Your Stay:

We recommend that anyone who is ill or recently ill should NOT visit. In the interest of protecting your baby from communicable diseases, we recommend that no children, except brothers or sisters of your baby, visit while you are here.

We make every effort to accommodate your visitors; however some restrictions may apply based on your medical condition and unit accommodations. Be sure to have all people who are going to hold or touch your baby wash their hands with soap and water.

We aim to provide the best, evidenced-based, family-centered maternity care with emphasis on mother-baby bonding and safe infant feeding practices. We strive to uphold the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding as endorsed by the UNICEF/ World Health Organization Baby Friendly Hospital initiative.

We recognize breastfeeding as the preferred infant feeding method because breast milk has life-long benefits for both mother and baby. We support safe infant feeding practices for mothers who are not able to or who chose not to breastfeed.

  • Birth Services- Preparing for Your New Baby

    At Lee Health, we understand that mothers and their babies need extra special care and attention. We offer personalized, nurturing care that supports you and your newborn during the miracle of childbirth.

Steps to Successful Breastfeeding

Research supports that when hospitals apply the following steps, you will get the information, confidence and skills necessary to successfully breastfeed (for more information go to http:// 

Learn how you can work with your health care team to ensure your success

The Golden Hour

We refer to the first hour after the birth as the Golden Hour because it is a critical time of adjustment for you and your baby. Immediately after birth, your baby needs time to adjust to his or her new environment and all the new things around him or her. We strongly recommend you limit any visitors during this time and keep your baby in skin-to-skin contact. Infant bathing, weight and length measurements should be delayed to allow this bonding to occur. 

No Rush to Bathe!

Your baby should be stable for several hours before having a first bath. Talk with your nurse about when it is appropriate for your baby to safely have their first bath. Bathing a baby too soon can cause unnecessary stress, lower their body temperature and lower their blood sugar level. You and your family are encouraged to help or you can wait until you get home to give their first bath.

What is Skin-to-Skin Contact? 

Holding your naked baby next to your bare chest is called skin-to-skin contact. You are encouraged to do this during the Golden Hour and during the first hours and days of life. Have your baby wear only a diaper. Place your baby next to your bare chest. Then cover with a blanket and enjoy! Skin-to-skin contact has many benefits for you and your baby: 

  • Helps establish breastfeeding and promotes milk production 
  • Promotes bonding and closeness between you and your baby 
  • Helps your baby stabilize sooner and achieve a normal body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar 
  • Decreases how much your baby cries 
  • Decreases the amount of pain your baby experiences 
  • Helps you stabilize sooner after delivery  

Birthing Locations Near You!